Saturday, May 3, 2008


I have been thinking a lot lately, and a lot of those thoughts have turned to the many friendships/relationships I have in my life. The Lord truly has blessed me with those I am able to call my friends. We have many acquaintances, and that has always been, but the very close friends for most are few and far between.

I was able to go to the Cal Baptist graduation commencement ceremony today, and as I looked at the long line of graduates, I began to cry. Why? What in the world is wrong with me? #1, Jenna Fuller is in this line, and she's one of my good friends. She's getting married June 20th, and I'll be gone to Romania, and today she graduated. No more Jenna at CBU. I'm not selfish, it's just that life is definitely going to be different. The FAB 4 (Me, Britt, Becky & Jenna) have grown so close this year, and not having Jenna around will be different. Becky will be commuting, and Britt and I will be living together, of course we'll all still hang out, but adjustments have to be made.

I guess this is really the way I'm feeling - today made me think about high school graduation all over again. We all vowed to be best friends forever, and frankly, I'm not really good friends with any of those people anymore. Partly because our paths went completely different directions, but mainly because we didn't put in the efforts to keep a friendship strong. Many people say you go to college to find your true friends and your bridesmaids (which is sooooo true, now I just need the husband, hahaha). But, how do I know that life after college will be different than life after highschool? Hugh Hewitt spoke at the ceremony today, and said something that I've really been thinking about. He reminded everyone of this, you will never be more surrounded by your loved ones than at your graduations, your wedding day, and at your funeral. Why is this so? Is it because we all get wrapped up in our own lives, that we don't make time for those dearest to us to be a part?

I'm saying these things to make myself not take the wonderful friendships and relationships that I have for granted. Too often we take advantage of what's in front of us, and then we don't appreciate it as we ought to. To all of my friends, I am thankful you are in my life, and I want to keep it that way. However, as we grow up, and possibly grow apart, we must remember this journey of life (friendships definitely included) is a 2 way street and takes efforts by both parties.

Now let's make life a party :o)

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