Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Look who's back...

So, Marissa Poulsen is my little inspiration in going back to blogging. But, I guess when I say going back to blogging - that's an understatement, cuz I think I only ever posted like 2 things. I like the idea of blogging, it's just taking the time out to actually do it. We'll see how far I get.

Life is a little crazy right now. Finals start in 2 days, isn't that exciting? NO!!! School is literally going to own my life for the next 7 days. I'm not really looking forward to that either. I will survive though, and hopefully I can keep my grades up in this next week.

I have some exciting things to look forward to. This summer, I'll be going to Romania with Roxi and our team. SO WONDERFUL! We'll be gone June 8-28...and I can't wait. The Lord is going to do great things, that I'm sure of and would never doubt for a second that He has a great purpose for all of us going there. I'll be sad to leave family, friends and weddings behind - the saying goes, "distance makes the heart grow fonder" we'll see what the result is when I return.
Another thing I have to look forward to is THE HOUSES! 5 friends and I (Beth, Brit, Me, Nancy, Candy & Kendra) will be living in a house. Here's a little glimpse :o) It's crazy to think that I only have 1 more semester left of school, but it's a good thing. I'm more than ready to be done. I may change my mind as it gets closer to graduation, but I feel I've come to a place in life that's going to go far beyond where I am at right now. It will definitely be an interesting journey, and I'm thrilled to take it. The Lord is faithful and just to provide - so upon graduation I might be teaching (Private Elementary) or just working until I figure out what else I may want to do with my life.

Something I have really come to cherish this year (Sept '07 - now) are the people in my life that are with me every step of the way, and willing to sacrifice a lot to maintain a relationship. All relationships are 2 way streets, and I'm beyond thankful for the lessons in relationships that I've learned this year. Here are some of them...

This is it for now :o) I'm sure I will be bringing more updates soon!!! ENJOY!


Beth said...

woohoo for the house!!!

Beth said...

Woohoo for the house!!!